The Keto Flu

The Keto Flu

So you just started a ketogenic diet, and you feel bad. You are tired, and you have a headache, you are easily irritated, and it is hard for you to concentrate. Congratulations, you have the flu keto. This is how people call it, although it is not a flu, nor is it...

Keto and Exercise

The ketogenic diet will be of great interest to you if you want to lose weight and improve your physical and mental performance. The ketogenic diet is a food system that is based on high-fat intake, moderate consumption of proteins and an almost zero consumption of...
Alcohol and Keto Diet

Alcohol and Keto Diet

So, the big question here is: Can I drink alcohol on the ketogenic diet? The most accurate answer is NO; you should not drink alcohol while you are following a ketogenic diet. Alcohol is a substance produced by the fermentation of sugar derived from fruits, wheat, and...
Hypertension and Keto Diet

Hypertension and Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet, also known as keto diet, is a low-carb diet, in which you force your liver to produce ketones to provide energy to the body; in this way, you become a fat-burning machine (ketosis). The idea of reducing carbohydrates is not necessarily new, other...
Kеер Yоur Keto Diet оn Trаck on Thanksgiving

Kеер Yоur Keto Diet оn Trаck on Thanksgiving

If уоu’rе following a kеtо diet, the hоlidауѕ can bе a stressful timе. But turkеу doesn’t hаvе tо bе thе оnlу thing оn уоur рlаtе … there аrе plenty of kеtо-friеndlу Thanksgiving rесiреѕ to аdd tо the tаblе, frоm bасоn-wrарреd саrrоtѕ tо саuli...